Covid-19 Operational Plan
Otago Hockey Associations Covid 19 Operational Plan- 2022
After careful consideration of the latest government information, including the recent shift to the Red setting in the covid protection framework, Otago Hockey is confirming that we will be enforcing a vaccine mandate for all visitors to our facilities, events and competitions beginning immediately and continuing until further notice. This decision will cover everyone over the age of 12 years and three months, including but not limited to staff, players, coaches, umpires and spectators.
The Red setting has gathering limits of just 25 if vaccine certificate is not required, so enforcing a vaccine mandate is our only option. We are committed to providing the best possible protection through a safe environment for our community while also wanting to give ourselves the best chance of being able to open and operate so that our community can enjoy their hockey in 2022.
We will continue to follow the latest health advice and adjust our settings accordingly. In the meantime, in addition to the vaccination mandate we will continue to comply with all other recommended public health measures.
Otago Hockey has adopted a specific OHA Covid 19 Operational Plan which can be found here.
As more information comes to hand over the coming days and weeks we will work with our clubs, schools and wider community on how this vaccination mandate will be enforced. In the meantime we thought it important to confirm this policy so that our community can plan accordingly.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Andy on
The board and staff of Otago Hockey.
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