Summer Hockey 2025
We are excited to offer the second half of our Summer Hockey competition which commences on Thursday 20 February and runs for 6 weeks.
Grades: OPEN GRADE (Minimum age 13 and/or Year 9)
SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADE (including teams who have boarders playing)
Teams: As many players as you wish in your team roster
6 players on the turf
Mouthguards must be worn and Shin Guards are recommended
All team members must wear the same coloured top for all games
Games: Half turf 6-A-Side games
20 minute halves with a 5 minute half time
Cost: 6 weeks $300 per team
($6.25 per player per game based on 8 players in a team)
While the McMillan Hockey Centre turfs are being resurfaced, all games will be played on the King's High School turfs. Places will strictly be on a first in basis especially with the restricted turf availability during Weeks 1 & 2 of the competition. Game times will begin at 4.30pm for school teams.
Weeks 1 & 2 King's High School turf
Week 3 King's High School turf & Lion Foundation turf
Weeks 4, 5 & 6 McMillan Hockey Centre turfs
Summer Hockey 2025 Rules
Registrations are open now for the Summer Hockey 2025 competition.
Compete this form to register your team.
Please contact for further information.