Summer Hockey is still on!
We have been reviewing latest information and happy to confirm we can proceed with summer hockey this week.
A few notes/ things to consider.
Each turf will act as a zone, please respect social distancing requirements when not participating (before and after games).
If you go into the lounge please sit with your team and separate from teams from other zones. We will have the lounge laid out to assist this.
Please remember all the basics that we are now well rehearsed in. Scan in, wash your hands, social distancing wherever possible and take the week off if you feel unwell or have links to any of the affected areas.
We are lucky to be in a position to be able to enjoy the game we love, make the most of it but take these precautions.
The other big learning from Covid is things can change quickly. If any new information comes to hand we will post updates on our website, social media and email all teams.
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