Sunday Representative Development Program 2020
Sunday Representative Development Program 2020
Internal Competition
Our original plans, to play inter association matches against North Otago, Central Otago, Eastern and Invercargill on the 20th and 27th September have been cancelled. This is due to NZ moving into Level 2 in the Covid-19 lock-down system.
We are putting together an internal competition for the players who have been attend our development programs.
This will look like a series of matches across the age groups over the following weekends:
- Sunday 13th September
- Sunday 20th September
The game time will look like this:
8.00am – 9.00am
- U13 boys and girls 6 a side match
9.00am – 10.00am
- 13’s/15’s boys’ game
- 13’s 15’s girls’ game
10.00am – 11.00am
- 15’s boys v 16’s/18’s boys
- 15’s girls v 16’s/18’s girls
11.00am – 12.15pm (held over 3 weeks – 13th, 20th& 27th)
- Senior men v Senior men
- Senior women v Senior women
Teams are currently being made to play. Players will be contacted around which team they will play for.
There will be training's as normal up until the first weekend of games. Our program will end after the games on the 20th September for some well-deserved rest and reflection on a very different year.
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